How to Download and Save Voicemails From Smartphonesīelow are directions for both iPhones and Android phones. Let’s take a look at a few simple ways to keep important voicemails that are on your iPhone, Android phone, desk phone, or VoIP phone system. If you want to save voicemails on your cell, landline, or VoIP phone, don’t worry! You can download, save, and share voicemails on every platform - mobile, landline, and VoIP - so they don’t just vanish into thin air.

For now, we'll focus on how to solve the immediate issue at hand: saving those existing voicemails.

Luckily, as a virtual receptionist service, Smith.ai can help eliminate voicemail messages altogether by providing 24/7 professional receptionists who can answer every call, send you all important messages right after each call, and eliminate your need for business voicemail so you don’t lose another sale to the voicemail void again. More on that at the end of the article.
You don’t want to have a full voicemail box and lose out on a potential client, but at the same time, moving voicemails off of a phone can be exasperating and time-consuming for any business owner. Unfortunately, like many other small business owners, you may not have the time to avoid such a mishap by answering every single call that comes in. Sadly, there’s only so much storage in your voicemail box and once it’s all filled up, systems often automatically delete old voicemails - and that could cost you critical business information. You’re not quite ready to lose them, but you have to put them somewhere to make room for the voicemails you don’t want to miss out on either. But there are so many messages you want to keep, like that invoice reminder for your new client or that sweet message from your mom.